Friday, January 09, 2009

At This Point in Time

A couple days ago, we had a certain phone call that has us contemplating a few things. At this point in time.......we are unsure of the actual sincerity and/or intent of the whole phone call in itself, to say the least. We have re-listened to the recorded conversation, and we are not totally agreeing with everything that was discussed. Right now....we will let it be known, that we will not be moved with our intentions and goals pertaining to the five extra children we have. We are still "Trusting our Feelings", if anyone would like to revert back to that post. What is yet to happen with this whole situation, is unknown at this point. That one conversation did not or will not change the outcome.


Anonymous said...

Remain strong and firm. Don't let them manipulate you at all. We are all backing you guys and your efforts. Don't trust them.

Anonymous said...

Remember they aren't there to benefit you, watch your back.

Anonymous said...

What?? Your blog is the furthest from offensive that i have ever seen! Must be the "complainer" doesn't have a life of their own, i'd say! Keep sharing...You have an amazing family. We can all learn from you! signed, with love!