Monday, October 20, 2008

Jacob's Happy 8th Birthday

Jacob's Birthday is actually tomorrow, but tonight was the only night John was home, so we decided to celebrate tonight. Jacob picked his birthday dinner of chicken drumsticks and mac and cheese. I was a whanny, and went to Walmart and bought his cake...I feel bad, but school was extra long today, and I ran out of time. Grandpa Frank, and Grandma Middie came over for cake, and they brought the ice cream (chocolate of course!) Middie also brought all the kids a birthday gift over, they had to all give her a hug in order to get it. Thank you Middie and Frank!!Jacob then enjoyed opening his gifts. He got 2 pairs of much needed pajamas, as he has been wearing jeans to bed. He got a Lego set, a coloring set, his favorite candy, reading books, and a game to play with the whole family. Tonight is his night to stay up and enjoy his gifts. Jacobs favorite gift was the candy of course. And now, as is tradition on your 8th birthday, he gets to make a plaster mold of his hand print to put on the shelf with the older kids. Jacob is officially able to stay up after the little kids go to bed for an hour longer now also. Becoming 8 is a giant step in our house--so many more privileges. Jacob definitely feels all grown up now. He is anxious to now be baptized which his dad will do in the next couple of weeks. Oh, and don't forget the exciting thing of about becoming a boy scout.


Mike and Kristy said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB!!! WE LOVE YOU!!! You have the nicest mom, we love hearing about your exciting birthdays!

Lana said...

Happy Birthday Jake the snake!!!!!
Sounds like you had a ton of fun. We love you.