Friday, October 24, 2008

Another Day in Paradise

Today started out very early. I had an appointment in Concord (2 hours away) to schedule Brenna's up coming dental work. After Brenna's appointment, I took her out to lunch. I am pretty sure she enjoyed the one on one time. We try our hardest to give each kid one on one time with us alone at least twice a month. This helps us to know how everyone is doing. We enjoy it as much as the kids do. Brenna also got in good nap on the way home. Once home, we spent the afternoon outside getting a few things done, that are still needing to be done. The kids had fun playing after, and enjoying the 54 degree weather. Not many warm sunny days left. So I get them out when I can. It is suppose to rain again tomorrow afternoon.....anyone want it? We still have a few puddles from the last rain!! The kids had fun tonight, after John got home, making pyramids. They want me and John to join in, then we would form the perfect pyramid. But them we would need someone to put Brenna on top, and take the picture. So I don't think it will happen. Right as we were about to go in the house, we spied 3 moose in our yard. We ran to get the camera and get a picture, but moose and 13 excited kids don't mix. Those moose were out of here pretty fast. But it was fun to see. Everything else is going great!

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