Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Quirky Habits Tag

I was tagged, as it is called, by my wife, Jenny.

Here is the TAG...List 6 quirky habits that you have... tag 6 quirky friends & link the person who tagged you.

1. When I shovel snow, I have a real had time knowing when to stop. I don't mean where, just when to stop. I can go over that same patch of driveway spot forever - smoothing it out just so. I am a perfectionist.

2. My paranoia is, when I go into a retail store I always feel like someone's going to think that I'm trying to steal stuff because I've picked it up to look at it, etc. Of course now with the detectors at the exit, I'm always thinking I'm going to set it off with that carton of eggs in my cart!

3. I can get pretty hung up on the details of anything. I would be perfectly content to take my paint brush and work on an area of wall about 2 feet square...all day, you know, just till I get it right. Another perfectionist moment!

4. Lists. I like to make lists. When I get free time at work I'll sit down and write a list - of whatever. then later I'll rewrite the list so that it's neater and more organized. The funny thing is I'll get home and won't even be able to find the list. did Jenny tell you that one of her favorite things to do is to throw away lists?

John couldn't think of anything else......so I will happily finish with a couple of his quirks......lol!!!

5. He always has to start a load of dishes and laundry right before we head out the door for church. Never fails...even though we are running 10-15 minutes late.....we always have to wait while he starts something else.

6. He always has a smart or sarcastic comment for nearly everything someone says or does. He is not nearly as bad as some of hs older brothers though....one in particular (Ben).

7. You say something to John, and he will start singing a song that has something to do what you said.

I better not mention anymore. He tags Stephanie (can you send us invite to your sites using our new mail please!!), and Bruce!



Beth said...

Number 5! One time I was telling the ladies in the mothers room that it drives me crazy that my husband Mike starts doing stuff like taking the trash out or cleaning the kitchen when some of the kids need help getting dressed on Sunday. And then the ahah moment came- "Wow" my husband plays video games and won't leave until he finishes his game and another lady said yeah, if we're running late he says lets stay home and watch tv, he never touches the dirty dishes.

Mike and Kristy said...

Hi John!! Finally after all these years, I find out we have something in common. :) It is a bonding moment!! I am a perfectionist too!!! Love ya!!!