Friday, January 09, 2009

Our Blog

Before I post any further I have to say a few things. I have been told that things I have posted on my blog are hurtful. I have spent the day reading through my blog entries.......and personally I do not find them to be hurtful to anyone. I see them as actually being very general in content, and positive. Our blog is to share with friends and family the going on's in our life and family, and to share our experiences. Also, since we are a distance from some people, to share a few pictures.
This is our families lives, and our experiences. This is our journal, and our blog. We do not have the perfect lives. We have good things and bad things happen to us, just as everyone else does. We are not afraid to share our feelings, experiences, or daily events.
If anyone is not liking what I write, or what they are reading, my advice to you is to:
Like it or not, this is what our family is living. We are happy with our lives, and the directions we are taking as we go day to day. We would not openly try to offend or hurt anyone. It is up to us to call things, people, and places as we see it. One more thing..........I am not held responsible for other's peoples comments to our blog.......they are calling it as they see it.
Only you can make the choice to be offended.


Anonymous said...

Say what you want to say.....freedom of speech. It is your blog.

Anonymous said...

Considering all the 'crap' you all are dealing with, you have actually been very positive.

Anonymous said...

We love your would never be hurtful to anyone. Don't are doing a wonderful job.

Unknown said...

please do refresh my memory. Under what circumstances did you acquire these additional children? I can't seem to find any 'dirt' in your blog concerning this heart-rendering saga. You (& Hannah) fly off to Utah for your sister's wedding & spontaneously return with five children?! Who would do THAT & WHY, OH WHY ?! Your blog site is missing some major pivotal points in the translation to the average reader who doesn't know the situation because your intentions are above & beyond just noble deeds... you are like an action figure hero! Now laugh and carry on!

Lana said...

Well- I am absolutely offeneded!!!! Even by this post! I will continue to read it, and in turn- continue to get my feelings hurt if you choose to keep writing these mean things!!

OK_ OK _its a joke people! Nothing on here seems too mean- unless making the kids have fun and sharing it with us is mean...........

Traci said...

Amen, you are awesome! I love your realistic attitude and you are right...people CHOOSE to be offended! Love you!