Monday, January 26, 2009

My Smart Boy

Willem has been my buddy today. He has been by my side all day. We have had great conversation today; or should I say he has. He has been jabbering all day. I have said a few "OK's" here and there---he has done all the talking. Here's pieces of his thoughts being expressed for about 5 minutes.
"I'm a smart boy mom."
"I know who made you." "Jesus did."
"Jesus has good manners, huh?"
"Jesus lives in Heaven." "Heaven is way up high"
"I need Dad's great big ladder to get to Heaven."
"I will put it back though." "That is good manners, huh?"
"When I was a baby, I didn't poop or pick my nose."
"Or did I poop?" "But not pick my nose." "Noooo, that's bad manners, huh?"
"A Mom cooks, and a Dad goes to work." "Dad goes to school fast."
"I want to cook when I am big."
"You could go to work." "I could go with you, that would be fun."
"Nooo, you need to stay home to cook for me!"
Willem actually sat there for nearly an hour talking to me. I can't even begin to remember all that he said. It was all I could do not to laugh at him, and his little thoughts. He is a doll!!

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