Monday, April 13, 2009

Jacob and his Boat

Friday night Jacob pulled some old boards out of the garage, and had decided to make himself a boat. After about an hour (which was 8 pm) he finally asked for help. I had told him I would help him tomorrow. He was disappointed, since he wanted the help right that minute. Morning came soon enough, he was dressed, room clean, breakfast ate, animals done, and inside job in no time. Amazing what kids and do when they want something!! So by 9 am we were all outside enjoying the sun.

After a few hours of cutting, nailing, screwing, and painting this is what me and Jacob ended up with. Jacob was thrilled with the way it turned out, considering it was his mom that helped him with it. (John was at the Boston temple with the 4 older kids doing baptisms for the dead). Just when I thought I was done playing boat Joshua came to me with a stack of wooded and asked if I would do it all I spend a coulpe more hours cutting, nailing, and screwing a boat for him. (Second time around was definately easier!) He played with also in the water, but never got around to painting it just yet. Good news is: THEY BOTH FLOAT!!

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