Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chemistry Mid-Term Exam

I have to post this.....it could be history one day!! I just got home from my Chemistry class where we learned about precipitate composition, and how to use dimensional analysis to convert the weight of a molecular compound into its weight of each molecule in Moles. Kind of interesting I suppose, it seems to make sense....I guess.
Anyhow, we got our 5 page Mid-term exam results back from last week. Now remember that last week, was a confusing and busy week with gathering information for our attorney, talking to counselors, and also a court hearing. To say the least, I didn't hardly get any studying done for my mid-term. My instructor told me I could make it up at a later date, due to the circumstances. But I figured with 13 kids, when would I ever find the time to do that. So I took it last Tuesday, and just did my best.

I GOT A 96%!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!


VermontMom said...

Jenny I can't believe you are going to school in the midst of everything else you do!! You must be superwoman. Congratulations!!

Traci said...

Yeah Jenny! That is so crazy good! Congratulations! And PS. I'm glad you are doing the blog again!

Rayburn Family said...

Better you taking the Chemistry than me...you are so brave...and you rock at it! So glad you are blogging again. I finally got back from UT and need to catch up on everything.

St. J Family said...

Wow! You are one smart woman and a great mom too!